Ayurvedic Health Counselor

Clinical Yoga Therapist C-IAYT

Yoga Teacher E-RYT 500hr

Sound Healer

Kimberly Millard is an esteemed Yoga Therapist, Ayurvedic Health Counselor, Yoga Teacher Trainer, and sound healer. She received her 500hr Yoga Teacher Training certification through Shivakali Yoga, Yoga Therapist Certification through Loyola Marymount University, Ayurveda Health Counselor certification through Joyful Belly.

Kim’s classes weave together extensive training in sanskrit, tantra, vinyasa, ayurveda, yoga nidra, restorative, pranayama, meditation and yoga philosophy. With an emphasis on the subtle body, she brings the vibrational power of harmonium, mantra and crystal bowls as additional tools to help guide students toward their own innate wisdom and self healing capacity.

She began her yoga practice seeking relief from chronic pain due to a life-altering spinal injury. What began as a skeptical experiment blossomed into a life-affirming journey that continues to reveal more subtle dimensions of the Self.

After receiving transmission from a variety of masters, Kim has come to learn that yoga doesn’t belong to any one person or lineage. Rather, it is a living pulsation that threads itself through the eons. Her intention as a teacher is to serve as a channel for these potent and healing teachings just as her teachers and their teachers have done before.

Years of study and practice have shaped her life into living closer to the earth: simply, sustainably, and in harmony with nature's rhythms. With this as an intention, she has taken the wisdom she has received and currently lives off-grid on the northern California coast where she teaches public classes, offers private sessions, hosts retreats and leads teacher trainings.

When not teaching, Kim enjoys traveling, gardening, riding her motorcycle, spending time with her 3 cats, taking photos, listening to vintage records, drinking tea, hiking, and roller skating.


I look forward to connecting!